
#If you wish bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Fortunately I did not have to invent the universe however I did have to figure out what ingredients should go into my apple pie and how to bake it. All while livestreaming like my old Koto streams! The old Koto was built with:- GTK as the toolkit (emphasis on the kit part, foreshadowing here)
- GLib, lots of stuff but most notably GDBus for media keys and MPRIS support
- gstreamer-1.0 and gstreamer-player-1.0 for the playback
- sqlite3 (C API) for the database
- taglib for id3v2 metadata parsing
- tomlc99 for the configuration (TOML)
- Sorting out CMake to be used as the build system. As much as I love Meson, the Qt6 module simply is not at feature parity and that is okay. I took the opportunity to look at KDE's Extra CMake Modules (ECM) which provided a ton of useful functions related to QML.
- Figuring out at a high level what libraries, APIs, and UI library / libraries I would use. Which, if any, of the libraries I had used were directly translatable over from the C world. What would I need to do from scratch and what work could I leverage from others.
- Stretch goal: Some initial QML UI bits. Nothing fancy.
- Qt6 as the toolbelt
- Qt6 DBus (including qdbusxml2cpp) or alternatively using sdbus-cpp (including sdbus-c++-xml2cpp) like I do in Budgie Daemon v2 for generating C++ code from the XML interface definitions, as well as the DBus client / server bits
- Media playback: No need to interface with gstreamer-1.0 / gstreamer-player-1.0 C APIs, there is QtMultimedia and QMediaPlayer
- sqlite3? Yea I was about to do that by hand but to nobody's surprise, there is an entire the Qt SQL module and its APIs are great. You are not necessarily limited to sqlite3 either as you can just as easily use the MariaDB, PostgresSQL, or other database drivers
- In the monorepo, have a Sailfish OS build variant that is in a completely different toplevel sub-directory to the desktop variant (which I put under
even though yes it could be used for Plasma Mobile) that is written in Qt5. - Leverage some very recent work by Sailfish OS community members piggz and rinigus on Qt6 packaging, which conveniently enough was done so piggz could also implement a music player (though for Subsonic) using Kirigami! Doesn't magically fix the Silica part though.
#You smell what I am cooking?

#Day 1
The first proper day of development was spent on a mix of things. I wanted to get some initial UI bootstrapped just to get the gears turning on that before switching gears to the configuration and data lake (build or extract from one or more data sources, transform it into a format for Koto, and load it into the application). For the user interface, I got acquainted with some useful applications suggested by the livestream: Kirigami Gallery (gallery of Kirigami widget examples) and Icon Explorer (self-explanatory). I built some initial primary navigation, mirroring the primary navigation of old Koto ("if it ain't broke, don't fix it"). Before I could start work on building the file indexer, I first needed to know what content I was going to index to begin with. Aside from "sane defaults" like XDG_MUSIC_DIR, that meant implementing the configuration parsing and defining the structure for the config itself. I settled on the below config format, which is essentially identical to old Koto.["preferences.ui"]
album_info_show_description = true
album_info_show_genre = true
album_info_show_narrator = true
album_info_show_year = true
last_used_volume = 0.5
name = "Music"
path = "/home/joshua/Music"
type = "music"
Instead of just using C++ filesystem APIs, I learned about Qt APIs such as: QDir, QFile, QFileInfo, and enums like QStandardPaths::StandardLocation which would prove useful for getting the application location.
With configuration reading out of the way, I did some initial work on the data structures for KotoTrack, making sure to carve out a constructor that took in metadata from KFileMetadata in preparation for the next Koto development session, and set up some header definitions for the FileIndexer.
#Day 2
The second day of Koto was spent building out the file indexer and let me tell you, this was considerably easier thanks to QDirIterator compared to what I had to do in GLib land. Of course, it helped that I had done all this before, I used KFileMetaData instead of taglib directly, and I am yet to implement all the cool tricks for manual filename parsing that I still want to do for handling audiobooks and tracks without proper ID3v2 metadata. All that said, things still things went much more smoothly than I was expecting. Within just that day's work, I was able to implement a functional file indexer that showed my tracks, in the correct albums, for the correct artists. I had even built out a similar "Cartographer" class to my old Koto that held all the hash tables, using QHash with QUuids to ease lookups during indexing. 🎉 That day, we cooked.#Day 3
On the third day, the focus was on taking our indexed files, storing them in a sqlite3 database, and reading them back from the database as part of the application loading. As I mentioned earlier in the blog, my original line of thinking was that I was probably going to use sqlite3 directly. After all, why would I expect to be blown away yet again by Qt having something very usable out-of-the-box? Of course, as you have already learned, I fortunately discovered Qt SQL and they have some really good guides to get started with the basics of connecting to a database, executing queries, and reading with records. With QSqlQuery, I was able to trivially writecommit
functions for all my relevant classes (KotoArtist, KotoAlbum, and KotoTrack) with binding values. You still have to write the queries of course, as it is not an ORM, but it absolutely beats out the madness I was doing with g_strdup_printf
with a function that basically called sqlite3_exec
Was there a better way of doing it back with old Koto? Probably. But I am just comparing old Koto with the new. The fact is that the binding values method of accomplishing it with QSqlQuery is well documented and not hidden away, so the "nice" (in my opinion) way of doing it was the most obvious one.
Code comparison of KotoTrack on old versus new:
gchar * commit_msg = "INSERT INTO tracks(id, artist_id, album_id, name, disc, position, duration, genres)" \
"VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', quote(\"%s\"), %d, %d, %d, '%s')" \
"ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET album_id=excluded.album_id, artist_id=excluded.artist_id, name=excluded.name, disc=excluded.disc, position=excluded.position, duration=excluded.duration, genres=excluded.genres;";
// Combine our list items into a semi-colon separated string
gchar * genres = koto_utils_join_string_list(self->genres, ";"); // Join our GList of strings into a single
gchar * commit_op = g_strdup_printf(
g_strescape(self->parsed_name, NULL),
(int) self->cd,
(int) self->position,
(int) self->duration,
if (new_transaction(commit_op, "Failed to write our file to the database", FALSE) != SQLITE_OK) {
QSqlQuery query(KotoDatabase::instance().getDatabase());
"INSERT INTO tracks(id, artist_id, album_id, name, disc, position, duration, genres) "
"VALUES (:id, :artist_id, :album_id, :name, :disc, :position, :duration, :genres) "
"ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET artist_id = :artist_id, album_id = :album_id, name = :name, disc = :disc, position = :position, duration = :duration, "
"genres = :genres");
query.bindValue(":id", this->uuid.toString());
query.bindValue(":artist_id", !this->artist_uuid.isNull() ? this->artist_uuid.toString() : NULL);
query.bindValue(":album_id", this->album_uuid.has_value() ? this->album_uuid.value().toString() : NULL);
query.bindValue(":name", this->title);
query.bindValue(":disc", this->disc_number);
query.bindValue(":position", this->track_number);
query.bindValue(":duration", this->duration);
query.bindValue(":genres", this->genres.join(", "));
Source at the time of posting this article. Subject to change.
Hot damn. Is that not just so much nicer?
Reading various records from the database? I am not going to explain to you the nine circles of hell and the satanic incantations that was the old Koto code for all of this. Trust me, it was bad. Sure, I sucked at writing it then, but I promise it was not all me.
With the Qt implementation, you take in a reference to the QSqlQuery and the QSqlRecord. You get the index from the record for the given name like id
and you use QSqlRecord functions for casting it directly to the type you need like QString or int. No sorcery needed.
KotoTrack* track = new KotoTrack();
track->uuid = QUuid {query.value(record.indexOf("id")).toString()};
auto artist_id = query.value(record.indexOf("artist_id"));
if (!artist_id.isNull()) { track->artist_uuid = QUuid {artist_id.toString()}; }
auto album_id = query.value(record.indexOf("album_id"));
if (!album_id.isNull()) { track->album_uuid = QUuid {album_id.toString()}; }
track->title = QString {query.value(record.indexOf("name")).toString()};
track->disc_number = query.value(record.indexOf("disc")).toInt();
track->track_number = query.value(record.indexOf("position")).toInt();
track->duration = query.value(record.indexOf("duration")).toInt();
track->genres = QList {query.value(record.indexOf("genres")).toString().split(", ")};
Source at the time of posting this article. Subject to change.
By the end of my stream, I had Cartographer updated, I was reading content from the database, doing the necessary commits for each class, and skipping file indexing when we didn't need to.
Of course it was only at the end of the stream I was told that KDE has something called FutureSQL which provides automatic database migrations, mapping to objects, and more. So there is still room for improvement there. But hey for one day's work, I was pretty happy. My vacation was ending as well, so leaving things on a high note before heading back to work was quite nice!
#Day 4

To summarize the work itself, I would say I have been very pleased with what has been accomplished over the course of those few days working on Koto and a couple evenings of tinkering. I was able to get to the point of actually listing artists, albeit after the latest session. There is still a mountain of work ahead such as: the artist view (displaying albums, tracks within those albums), playlists, and of course the actual playback of content; however I think thanks to my past experiences with old Koto, Qt being a more feature-rich tool~~kit~~belt, KDE Frameworks being excellent, and some very patient people -- I will be able to get back to feature parity with old Koto sooner than even I probably imagine. Maybe it is a honeymoon phase. Maybe the grass really is greener on the other side. No matter, I am very happy I resurrected Koto and I look forward to all of the new and interesting problems I encounter. Maybe one day you will even be able to get it on the device now resting on my monitor shelf.