Today I worked on fixing the issues I encountered yesterday with using my singleton classes. It turns out, auto manager = bd::WaylandOutputManager::instance() would attempt to do a copy, simply changing auto to auto& sorted that out.Got to the point where it would build (yay!) but failed on linking. After much struggle, I consulted my friend Neal Gompa on it. Him and I investigated the CMakeLists.txt, source, etc. but no solution on that front. However, I did learn that apparently there is a QtWaylandScanner and the ECM FindQtWaylandScanner that generates the C++ interfaces on top of the C ones. I wish I knew that one before I started the whole project!Not yet tempted to spend the time to try to port over to those C++ interfaces, since the C ones should be working fine. But the hunt on the issue causing the link error continues!